Monday 2 September 2013

stressed, depressed and kinda well dressed

playsuit: h&m
shoes: oasap*
socks: asos (old)
necklace: h&m
stumpy looking legs: c/o my damn pose
So, I'm still abroad but I've been hit with a task to do before I join uni in a couple of weeks and it's just smacked me right in the face. I had the worst time possible at Camberwell last year, and I have this horrible feeling that next year is going to feel the same. The prospect of being the worst in the class, not knowing what to do, lacking in ideas and being made to feel stupid is not exciting me! On top of it all I'm supposed to be moving in the day after I get back. So so stressed, got this horrible gut feeling that is chasing after me!
Anyway, this outfit is just something I threw on, minus make up, to go for a much needed drink on the seafront. Mojito, of course.
Humph, anyway, I hope you're enjoying whatever you're doing, more so than I am! 
lots of love xxx
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  1. Ah I love this playsuit; you look great!
    Tanya xo

  2. Love that necklace! x

  3. try not to worry about things that haven't even happened yet. and you won't be the worst - i'm sure you'll be very surprised! love that playsuit, have the same x

    High Society //

  4. Love the photos! and that necklace is gorgeous!
    xx Ayesha

  5. Everyone who thinks they're the worst in the class are usually the ones who do pretty well and there's nothing that will stop the ideas from flowing like stressing about not having ideas! Love your photo's, Hope your holiday relaxes you a little, I'm sure you'll get the assigment sorted in time.
    Rosalie x

  6. I know exactly how you feel.. If you've watched the hunger games, I feel like Katniss going back into the game LOL. If you have no idea what I'm talking about then disregard that example lol. but you're right.. you are well dressed. ;)

  7. Your playsuit it so cute. I love the back detailing. Your holiday looks amazing x

  8. Oh no, try not to worry, I always find that thinking about something in a negative way makes it seem worse than it actually is! I hope you enjoy the rest of your holiday xx

  9. I love that playsuit Georgia! I'm sure everything will turn out fine, it normally always does! Enjoy the rest of your holiday! xxx

  10. Oh I'm sure you'll do well in class, if you can make such lovely co-ords I'm pretty sure you have some more amazing ideas, don't worry. Just enjoy your holidays and those mojito's now you're there x

    Alissia from Ma Vie en R0se

  11. I'm sure everything will sort itself out petal <3 no matter what happens it will be the right thing. I love the playsuit, is it this season? As I haven't even seen it! X

  12. omg your playsuit is incredibly cute - i totally need that in my wardrobe too! awesome outfit and sweet shots here <3

    Check out my new blog post! :)

  13. Love your glittery socks!
    Lucia's Loves

  14. every outfit you wear is perfect! xxx

  15. such a lovely outfit :) love the socks & sandals

    xx Marie at OldCaledonia

  16. I love this playsuit! It's so simple, yet the back detail definitely adds something more to it, making it a really fun outfit. Plus, you paired it gorgeously with that necklace. Simple, yet effective. I love how jewellery can instantly add so much more to an outfit. Enjoy your time overseas and try not to let uni stress get you down so much. Negative things usually happen with a negative mind, so the best thing you can do is to try to keep positive and know that things have a way of working themselves out. It seems easier said than done, but it'll put your mind at ease and good vibes tend to radiate with a positive mind. Relax and enjoy your mojito! Man, I could totally go for one of those right now!

  17. Aww I hope you feel better soon hun, I'm sure it won't be that bad! Love this outfit, the playsuit is perfect! Love the socks with sandals xx

  18. Uni and moving stress is had to handle, but I'm sure it will work out. Just believe in yourself and your talents. Positive thinking can go along way.
    Sorry, very cheesy.
    Lovely outfit.

  19. Love this it's so cute
    s xx

  20. That playsuit's so lovely, especially the back! Kinda in love with your shoes too. Hope things go okay with the uni stuff!

    Je M'appelle Hannah x

  21. Good Luck at uni this year! I'm sure you are a lot better than you think, and if that fails - your blog is outstanding :) I'm starting first year this month - I'm so excited!
    Katie x


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

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