Wednesday, 23 January 2013

diy||paper cutting valentine's day card

Something a little different, but I am one of those annoying lovers of Valentine's Day I'm afraid. Con or not, it's an excuse to spend a day with your partner and have a nice meal out, so I thought I'd share my goings on with you all! (And yes, I'm aware it's a month away)
I much prefer a DIY'd Valentine's Day, we don't spend a lot on presents or anything, just buy a nice card and spend the evening together. James usually forgets about it too so I end up with last minute purple roses & and a card with a sad puppy on (true story!) so I like to spend a little time and effort making nice things.

Here's a relatively easy DIY for a card you can usually make out of things lying around.
I'd rate it a 6/10 in difficulty if you're a beginner.
1. You will need either a square pre-cut card or some card to make one. Mine was 8x8. You'll also need cutting tools, some pretty paper to line the card, double sided tape, a craft mat, pencil & rubber and ribbon if you like.
2. Start by sectioning a 1" border on the inside of the front of the card, that'll be where you stick the decorative paper to.
3. Draw out your design backwards (very important!) & ensure that your design touches the edges of the card, if they don't touch at various points then your card will fall through. You can join it up with little lines if you need to. Remember that you're cutting away around the words too. I went with "I have loved you for 1377 days" (cringe I know) but I thought it was cute and different to "Happy Valentine's Day." Obviously 1377 days is how long it'll be by the time Valentine's comes around. I used this website to work it out.

4. Using a craft knife, cut very carefully around the edges of the letters. Make sure you don't cut it away from the sides or it won't stay! 
5. Turn it over every now & then to check you've not missed bits out. I attempted different fonts but it didn't really work. Oops!
6. Lastly, stick your coloured paper on the inside border, and add a ribbon up the spine if you wish & ta da! It will look slightly homemade but I like that, James also appreciates it tonnes more than a generic shop bought card so it's win win!

I hope that one of you will find this useful & you're not all Valentine's day scrooges! Let me know if you make anything, I'd love to see. I will update you with my next craft asap, it's another Valentine's one! I've also got an amazing lemon cake recipe to go up as well, so the blog may be taking a step towards being a fashion-y housewife for a week or so! Hope you're all well.


  1. this is the cutest thing! can't believe you handmade it, such a good idea! ox

  2. these are such a good idea and so cute!


  3. This looks amazing! It really doesn't look handmade! Wish I had the patience to do something like this! xxx

  4. Oh wow this is so cute!
    If only i was artistic and absolutely not crummy with all this creativity!
    S xx

  5. This is such a great idea! :) x

  6. nawww this is the cutest card! love the idea!


  7. Wow! love this idea! My boyfriend has always made me cards so i hope i can get aroudn to making one of these! x

  8. Think this is so cute, wish I was good at doing DIY!


  9. this is absolutely adorable and i'll definitely be stealing this idea one day! so cute georgia xxxx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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