Thursday 30 May 2013

ss13 topshop picks & my mini magazine

shirt: £29, necklace: £10, shoes: £60, skirt: £30, socks: £3.50
bikini: £34, hanna shoes: £32, satchel: £34, jacket: £55, trousers: £38
dress: £55, necklace: £50, bag: £36, jacket: £55, lipstick in screen siren: £8, shoes: £60

So I was recently nominated for our "Customer Connect Award" at work, it's a yearly thing and you win some holiday vouchers if you win the entire competition. Your entry either had to be a YouTube video, basically saying how and why you give good customer service, or make a mini magazine doing the same thing. Having 1% confidence, I chose the magazine so I thought I'd share it with you all now that I've submitted it! I used InDesign, and it was the first time I'd ever used it. Being completely illiterate in it didn't help either, so please don't laugh!
With the clothes...ok, so Summer hasn't really come and the fashion season is nearly over but I thought I'd post a few of my favourite pieces that I used within my mag. I wouldn't necessarily wear all of them, but I think they're cute outfits and sorta on trend!
I hope you enjoy this slightly different type of post!


  1. This little magazine you made looks good! GOOD JOB! I wish I worked in Topman, my favourite shop EVER! Hope you win, good luck!

  2. The top 2 looks are my favourite!
    Hope you win, cute entry!

  3. I love the outfits you created, especially the first one (that polka dot shirt is so cute!)

    Good luck with the competition - I really liked your post on ways to wear that denim dress so hopefully the judges will like your mini magazine too!


  4. AnonymousMay 30, 2013

    Good luck :) x

  5. Those outfits are all awesome! The first is definitely my favourite! Your mini mag looks great, good luck Georgia! xxx

  6. aw i love your little magazine - the design is lovely and really well put together! fingers crossed for you ox

  7. I love the look of that Screen Siren lipstick but they didn't have it in my local store waaah! Your little magazine is so cute. Well done!

  8. The mag is sooo cute! Fingers crossed you win! And love the outfits, especially the bottom one! xx

  9. AnonymousMay 30, 2013

    Super cute outfits! I love the first one.

    Emma x

  10. love the bikini and spotty shirt. first time ive found your blog and i really love it, your style is awesomee and i want your car xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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