Wednesday 12 June 2013

what i'll be wearing: to download festival & festival fashion advice

top: topshop (old), jacket: primark (old), disco pants: american apparel, hairband: diy

flower: primark, tee: urban outfitters (old), cardigan: topshop (old), shorts: topshop (ancient)

tee: whitechapel gig, shorts: vintage levi via urban outfitters, headscarf: download festival 2010, belt: topshop

So I thought I'd share with you my festival attire! Excuse the terrible pictures, I had to take them indoors due to the ridiculous weather. It's just to give first time festival goers an idea, as most festivals aren't all cream lace dresses and pretty headbands!
Reality is, festivals are usually muddy, making flimsy sandals and fancy tights very impractical. Camping is usually grubby and cold, so make sure you take a lot of layers to sleep in, I take leggings, tracksuit bottoms, a tshirt, a hoodie and two pairs of fluffy socks! It's THAT cold! Obviously Download is predominantly a rock and metal festival so my cut off shorts and band top combo works well for there, I always wear my Dr Martens too... in fact they're still coated with last years mud! But if you're going to a less metal-y (?) festival then I'd advise again on shorts, as you can warm up with tights but take them off if the sun makes an appearance, as well as loose tops, bandeaus underneath and a nice kimono if you're brave enough. I don't take anything I'm precious about, as the likely hood of it getting ruined is quite high! I don't agree with all the magazines festival what-to-wear bits, as cream lace dresses and mud were NEVER a good idea! Stick to basics and you should be fine! There's always one girl in a mini dress and heeled boots though... D'oh!
My top beauty tips, as featured in this post, are always wear a dark nail colour as it hides the dirt... gross but true, and take a bold lipstick to make up for lack of other make up! I've managed to cram my big collection down to a minuscule ten things, which is an achievement.
Anyway, sorry for the fact most of the items are old too, but it's just to give you an idea. I'm off Friday morning, so I'll schedule some posts for you all. Thanks for reading! <3

lots of love xxx
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  1. love this post! i hate the magazines talking about wearing white to a festival!

  2. Love the topshop top in the first photo!

  3. This post is awesome! I love all your outfits too! I agree about the muddy, cold and nothing too precious thing! Wearing a white dress and heels at a festival really isn't the best idea! xxx

  4. Thanks for sharing your tips! Have fun at Download! x

  5. Love the first outfit, seems perfect for that king of festival x

  6. You look beaut, definitely appropriate festival attire for this country! Have fun at Download!

  7. such an honest post, festivals are muddy and sweaty but I love 'em. I also love the girls that make the mistake of going out in expensive dresses and tiny sandals with a full face of make up, they'll learn! xo

  8. AnonymousJune 12, 2013

    Major style envy going on here! Such awesome outfits. Have fun at Download - wish I was going!

    Emma x

  9. Love the Second Look, Hope you have Fun..x

  10. Amazing outfit, love your shorts!
    Feel free to check out my new post :)

  11. you are so so so perfect

  12. love this post, so so true! im off to glastonbury in a few weeks and have started writing my lists of things to take! you look great and have definitely helped my 'clothes' section xx

  13. I so wish I was going to download, my boyfriend is but I cant go :(
    Great outfits!
    Have fun!

  14. love both of these outfits, you look gorgeous! festival fashion is probably on of my favourite things to look at, vanessa hudgens is a fave; although totally impractical! x

  15. AnonymousJune 13, 2013

    Gorgeous festival outfits!

  16. awesome outfit! love your facial expressions too :D xx

  17. love every outfit, but the second is my fav!

  18. Gorgeous festival outfits! with great stilettos sale

  19. Love the first outfit
    S xx

  20. Really love all these outfits, perfect festival wear! Love how you've added some kind of cute headpiece to each x


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