Tuesday 25 June 2013

alexander wang diego in grey pebble

alexander wang diego in grey pebbled leather: £470

So, this is what I finally bought with my birthday money! Rewind nearly 5 months and I asked for your help (here), nearly all of you said the Mulberry, so that is what I started to save for. I very nearly bought it at Stansted airport, and then decided not to, thinking it would go into sale. In the meanwhile, I'd spotted this on the Selfridges website and fallen in love, but priced at £720, I wasn't really considering it. So, back to the Mulberry one, it didn't drop in sale, and I realised that I no longer loved it that much, and it definitely wasn't worth £1100, so I decided I wanted the Diego. Off I popped to check out the Selfriges sale... OH GOOD LORD IT'S IN THE SALE for £349! I grabbed my purse but it was sold out, so I literally got on the first train to London, also sold out. It was not available anywhere else, so I then (heartbrokenly) considered the black version, or the grey Rocco, although I wasn't crazy about either. Anyway, cut a long story short, this popped up on eBay two days later, brand new, obviously bought to sell on to make a profit - which is really annoying, but what can you do? Snapped straight up, and picked up the same day! So there you have it, the long winded story of my beautiful new bag. I thought I'd pop it into a little post on it's own as I think it deserved it, I hope you don't mind!

lots of love xxx
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discount of the day: 15% off at Bank Fashion with code SUMMER15
song I'm playing: Narcissistic Cannibal - KoRn
food I'm craving: chocolate covered strawberries, as I've been making them!



  1. what a gorgeous bag Georgia! great choice x


  2. This is gorgeous I love the darker grey so much.I have it in the lighter grey which I also got for my birthday :) It weighs a tonne! ha. Who needs the gym when your Wang gives you a workout?! :-P xxxx


  3. OMG I'm in love
    I want it so much :(
    S xx

  4. Aww it is gorgeous! :)


  5. I bloody love a bit of Wang, he's a beautiful bag and so chic - good choice! x

  6. AnonymousJune 26, 2013

    Literally my dream bag, so perfect! The backstory's lucky, definitely jealous you got it at almost half price too, wow!

    Je M'appelle Hannah X


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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