Friday 20 September 2013

lfw; what i wore

shirt: zara
coat: zara (similar here)
handbag: alexander wang diego
boots: h&m
lipstick: mac ruby woo
hat: h&m
So, last week I attended LFW with St Tropez and Lily Melrose. I went backstage and watched the Mary Katrantzou show, and it was amazing! It was my first experience at LFW, as well as the first time I'd met Lily, so naturally I was so scared but she was lovely and the day was fab. (It didn't start off great, my phone was on 50% at 2pm, I was 40 minutes early and I fell down some stairs and ended up FLAT on my hands and knees right outside Westminster station. I then cried down the phone to my mum because I was so embarrassed, mega lol.)
Anyway, usual Georgia dramas aside, here is what I wore. I kinda wanted the whole "hey look, I'm standing on the cobbles at London Fashion week" photos, and Lily did offer to take them but by the time we got out it was cold and raining, so my reserve photos came in handy. I bought so many things to chose from, but ended up settling on this in a rush. I don't love it, but it was good enough. I was desperate for tartan trousers, but left it too last minute as per so houndstooth stood in.
I'm going to do a separate post on the backstage and show pics, so that will follow.
lots of love xxx
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p.s I am going to sell the skirt I wore. I have worn it once, it was £35 and it's a size 6-8. Give me a shout if you'd like it and we can sort out a cheaper price! 


  1. I love your outfit!
    I want that coat.
    Hope you enjoyed LFW.


  2. I love your coat! You look great. The Mary Katrantzou collection was absolutely beautiful, you're so lucky to have seen that one!

  3. You look awesome Georgia! Sounds like you had a great if not eventful time at LFW! I love love love that coat! x

  4. Oooh lovely outfit! Bet backstage at Mary K would have been amazing! xo

  5. You look ridiculously cute and stylish

    When You Dream Big x

  6. Love it, your coat is soo nice xx

  7. You look amazing.
    Now I want those boots even more, they look awesome!

  8. I love this outfit, how exciting that you went to LFW and met lily! I'm in love with these boots, they are perfect! x

  9. Your skirt is amazing! As is your necklace. Such a lovely outfit x

  10. Love your outfit especially the bag and shoes <3

  11. Love the hat, definitely going to have to have a look for that in H&M x

  12. I'm absolutely in love with your necklace and boots! amazing outfit! xx

  13. Love the look and definitely think that you should keep that skirt... It's lovely! Hope you had a good time and I am so jealous, I would love to go!

  14. Love everything about this outfit, especially the bag!x

  15. Everything about this outfit is perfection, you look amazing! x

  16. So lucky to have gone to LFW! In love with that skirt, I actually featured it on a wishlist and didn't know whether to get it, but i'm deffo going to now! Love the coat too, tried it on but sadly didn't suit me :(

  17. Aww this is a perfect outfit, absolutely love the necklace with the shirt and the coat is gorgeous!

  18. the necklace is so awesome :) so amazing you got to go to lfw! cant wait to see the pics xx
    The Frill Seeker


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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