Tuesday 17 December 2013

if i was a rich girl...

if i was a rich girl

Nanananaaa (Gwen Stefani, duh). I've had a few family dramas of late, which explains the lack of outfit posts and seeing as retail therapy really does work, here's my "If I Was a Rich Girl" shopping list, or if James was a rich boyfriend Christmas list; depending on how you look at it.
There's a few bits on here that I'm probbbbably going to buy myself (MAC palette, topshop top, foundation and bracelet I'm looking at you). I can still dream about floating around in the HoH dress, with my Lily over my shoulder and Scully's on my feet though, can't I? Sob
Have a good week!
lots of love xxx
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  1. this wishlist is amazing! <3


  2. That house of Hadley smock oh my and those JC's I want! X


  3. Gorgeous items - love the floral smock dress! :)

  4. The Scully's are so beaut :( Love the dresses too! x

    Hannah | www.JeMappelleHannah.blogspot.co.uk


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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