Monday 2 December 2013

project hair revival

So I'm hoping to finally have my hair re-coloured soon as the under layers of my ombre are really blunt and horrible to look at, but after bleaching my hair various times, using heat and the Bleach dyes; it's pretty dead. I thought I'd share with you my hair care routine. Oh, and my super popular photo trend copying, awesome.
I've started using L'Oreal EverRiche shampoo and conditioner to soften my hair back to it's usual self. I naturally have quite fine, soft hair but as it's so damaged it's really brittle. It's quite hard to get it to stay in a style as it drops very quickly, no doubt this is only going to make that worse but it just feels like straw at the moment. I also picked up the Lee Stafford Poker Straight heat protection spray in a bid to save my ends a little bit. I don't really use straighteners or curlers on a daily basis but I do blow dry my hair so this should aid that a bit. Moroccan oil is just an obvious one, I heard that it makes your hair look brassy, so I stopped using it for a while but after being left with green ends (thanks Bleach...) I've picked it back up again to hopefully bring back some orangey tones! Lastly are the V05 hot oils, I've had these for months as I picked them up when they were on offer but been to scared to use them as to me oil=grease but what the hell!
So those are my new found hair saviours. What do you use, can you recommend anything?
p.s Boots have 3for2 on all haircare and things at the mo!
lots of love xxx
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  1. The Naked Intensive shampoo and conditioner are much more nourishing for damaged hair than the L'Oreal pairing (I've tried both and found the Naked to be so much more moisturising, plus they contain better ingredients and are cheaper!) x

  2. Love the sound of the Moroccan oil I have not tried this but have used macadamia oil and find both similar to each other would love to try Moroccan oil at some point x
    GLAMGLOW + Macadamia Oil Giveaway

  3. i need to try a few of the products there. i didnt like moroccanoil unfortunately


  4. The L'Oreal Shampoo and Conditioner are really great but I found that the Herbal Essences Bee Strong Shampoo and Conditioner do just as good a job if you want an alternative!

    Tiny Alis.

  5. I do love morrocanoil, really helped my bleached and fried hair, I haven't tried the Loreal shampoos so I might have to give them a go x

  6. When I had ombré hair a couple of months back I found something super cheap in Savers called a touch of silver, it's only about £2 for a bottle and it amazing, works so well


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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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