Friday 3 January 2014

my 2013 round up

This post is a little more for my personal reflection, but I'm posting it here anyway. I wanted to see what I've actually done this year, seeming as it's flown by so quickly! Sooooo:
1. I passed my wretched foundation degree
2. I started at LCF (also equally wretched)
3. I won the Customer Connect Award at work
4. I went to Topshop brand conference
4. I celebrated 4 years with James
5. I visited Tenerife, Rome & Mallorca.
6. I moved to London
7. I became a mum to a kitten
8. I turned 19
9. I hit 500 followers (1000 is my next big one yay)
10. I made new friends
11. I kept old friends
12. I got a scholarship at uni (and a nice little bit for myself)
13. I bought a designer bag with my own money
14. I started working with some fab brands
15. I learnt to knit (super cool)
16. I went to London Fashion Week with Lily Melrose & St Tropez
17. I bought running gear and never went running...
18. I went to Download festival for the 4th year running and finally saw Slipknot
Ok, that took me ages. In 2014 I have plans to go to Paris, Rome, Greece and possibly head back to NYC. James and I will have been together for half a decade (!!), I hope to leave my Topshop and head into Central London & hopefully succeed at uni! I don't give it the whole "~new year, new me~" crap 'cos that's a load of rubbish but I really hope that I can knuckle down and achieve some more, and hopefully something better!
Do you make resolutions, or stuff that and carry on as usual?
lots of love xxx
follow me here on Bloglovin'


  1. Wow, well done for achieving so much in 2013! I'm sure that 2014 will be even better!
    Lucia's Loves

  2. Lovely photos! Best luck for 2014!

  3. wow you achieved loads! well done, good luck for your future plans x

  4. Such great achievements! You should be very proud :) I'm sure 2014 will be just as fruitful for you and I can't wait to read all about it! :)

    Fee XxX


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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