Friday 10 January 2014

my ebay selling hints & tips

So, I'm no expert but I earn a tidy little amount every time I sell things on eBay. I've seen so many people popping up complaining about fees, what to write etc so I thought I'd write a little hints and tips post. I hope you find it useful!
When listing your item, I always list all words you'd associate or search for surrounding the item, for example: if selling a stripey Motel dress I would write "Black & White Monochrome Striped Motel Rocks Smock Dress - Topshop - ASOS Size UK 8/10 S." Now it's against eBay rules to lie about the branding or state that it's from somewhere it's not, but "Topshop black dress" is going to get a lot of hits, so putting those tag lines in will ensure it pops up every time. As the brand is a concession, it's sold through both Topshop & ASOS so you're not breaking any rules. "stripe dress" is gonna get you nowhere sista!
If you start bidding on something when it's priced at 99p, it's a bargain right? Well our minds get competitive, so even when it's up at £55, because you've been bidding since it was so low - it's still a bargain. I ALWAYS start my listings at 99p, even a Mulberry bag I sold recently (it went for £670 FYI.) People are 100% more inclined to start bidding sooner if it's starting so low. If you're really worried about it going to cheap then either set a reserve price, or end the listing if you're that unhappy.
I see a billion descriptions like this: "topshop dress. size 8. uk postage only". Would you buy that? Nope, neither would I. Tell the person everything about it, what colour it is? What size is it? Would it fit other sizes? What's the fit like? What length is it? Has it been worn before? How do you wash it? What would it go well with? Sell the item to the bidder, if it's a grey top that you used to love pairing with a pair of chunky boots and black skinny jeans then tell them, if they can picture it in their wardrobe they're more likely to bid! Don't forget to point out any marks or flaws though.
It may seem obvious, but I always put at the end of my listings "thanks for looking, feel free to contact me :)" etc. Answer any queries quickly, be cooperative and offer solutions for peoples problems. If they want more photos, or proof that the item is genuine then send it to them asap, they might be the one to win it! Investing in an expensive product, such as the Mulberry I sold, is risky over eBay so play ball to make sure the person knows that you're 100% not conning them. I wouldn't pay £700 for something I didn't know was legit!
We are lucky enough to have one shop that can pretty much send anything, anywhere - so make use of it. I charge around £3 for 2nd class postage on small items such as shirts, lightweight jeans etc and £4-5 for heavier items. Sending items via myHermes can work out cheaper if it's large (coats, shoes etc), and it's tracked. I offer worldwide postage for everything as someone from America might be desperate for that All Saints top that they can't get over there, therefore they're willing to pay more than any UK bidder. I generally double + £1 for worldwide postage and I offer economy only, unless they request otherwise. It's not as expensive as you think, a top to France cost me just £3.40 a few weeks ago.
Remember: eBay and PayPal both take a cut of fees, eBay take 10% and PayPal take something similar. Don't lie about your item as it'll only come back to haunt you and ALWAYS keep your proof of postage otherwise you will end up out of pocket!
So there, I hope this helps! Totally my own advice and how I make my money on there. Let me know if any of them work for you or if you have any other tips!
I'm georgiameramo94 on eBay... if you were wondering ;) (I'm listing lots today too!)
lots of love xxx
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  1. This is so useful! Ebay has become my new shopping outlet but I'm still finding my feet with it, so all these tips are really going to help me. I featured a similar tartan scarf in my recent post- have a look if you get a sec!

  2. This is great advice! I will definitely check back when I next do a big clear out and sell things on ebay xo

  3. I really could've done with something like this when I first started eBay, great idea for a post!
    Every Friday afternoon I do finds/reviews on my blog, I'd love for you to check out this weeks:
    Find .01 // Floral Diary

  4. Great post! Ebay is great for clothes!

    Jenna ||

  5. I love Ebay! I always sell my stuff, it's a great way to recycle fashion and discover gems! Great post :) xx

    Eleri Roberts

  6. I am literally the biggest fan of ebay and buy practically everything on there - I've never really tried selling stuff on there though so this is actually really useful!

  7. I've just started selling on ebay so this is so helpful, thank you :-) xxx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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