Tuesday 14 January 2014

franco manca

jumper: primark
playsuit (worn as shorts): motel rocks*
boots: pixi monki boots
necklace: primark
coat: topshop (old)
scarf: ebay
hat: missguided
Today James and I spent the day wandering and eating and generally exploring London. I still find it hard to believe that I live here so I've made it a resolution sort-of-thing to explore a bit more. (Other resolutions include to say yes more, and go out more. I'm secretly an OAP...) We visited Franco Manca's for lunch, it's amazing fresh, simple & authentic Italian stone-baked pizza. I felt like I was in-between New York & Rome and it was amazing. Totally recommend going if you're ever near one.
I also popped into Three and picked up a new gold iPhone 5S, feeling really swish now. Oh and I got some amazing new shoes for my birthday night out, wheeee!
Ironically we didn't get around to taking these photos until it was nearly dark, so I'm sorry!
P.S. please excuse the baggy, creased crotch!! Damn viscose
lots of love xxx
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  1. What a lovely styled outfit! I love your coat!
    Keeley's Wardrobe

  2. I have that jumper from primark in burgundy red, It's such good quality, no one would ever know it was primark would they. You look great!
    Kathleen / Made In The 1990's.

  3. I love your scarf - I've been looking for a nice tartan scarf! x

  4. Gorgeous outfit. Look at those legs! Xx

  5. Lovely outfit! Can't believe that jumper is from Primark, it looks so nice! :)

  6. This outfit is beyond perfect... And now i'm craving pizza!

  7. This outfit looks amazing, brought this jumper in the sale from Primark but took it back, major regret now :( xx

    Charlotte| LongHairDontCare

  8. Lovely outfit, the boots are amazing!

    Julia x


  9. love how you've styled this outfit! the boots are gorgeous!
    xx Ayesha


  10. Amazing outfit! I'm in love with the scarf!!! What a pair of pins you have as well! Seems like you had an amazing day!

    Secret little Stars
    www.secretlittlestars.com xxx

  11. Sounds like a fab day, that pizza looks delicious! Love your outfit too, laid-back but cool! The coin necklace is gorgeous :)

    Helen at Hels Yeah! xx

  12. love this outfit, everything it it is great! that pizza looks amazing, craving some now! if I lived in london all I would want to do is explore!


  13. This is anotherrrr gorgeous outfit!! Lovely photos too xxx

  14. These snaps have made me want to go out and buy sheer black tights. Love this look xx

    Eleri Roberts

  15. I love this outfit so much, the tartan scarf and boots are awesome! xx


  16. Always babin' aren't you? You look so good and I LOVE the photos. I swear I need to get my boyfriend trained so I can stand in places like this without looking like a knob. I also need to master the wearing of a fedora as I'm sure when I do I will live in it. X

  17. Very lovely outfit!
    Love the hat and scarf!



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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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