Thursday 1 December 2016

how i get out of a wardrobe crisis/fash inspo

all images sourced from pinterest

A style crisis... potentially the worst thing to happen to a blogger/anyone in the fashion industry. Amirite? (Ok, so I might have exaggerated but hell, it's not fun.)

So every six weeks or so, I decide I hate everything I own, I want to sell my entire wardrobe and everything I wear looks god awful. It's the worst, it gets me down and in turn messes up other things I'm doing because I tend to feel like crap - such a drama queen but hey, it is what it is.

I thought I'd share the ways I *try* to dig myself out of the fash-crisis hole and share a few things I'm loving at the mo!

1. Source some inspo
HIYA PINTEREST. I'm a pinaholic when I'm in a slump, it's my go-to place for some light inspiration when getting dressed in the morning, or going shopping etc. I tend to try and follow likeminded people as opposed to searching anything as I don't find I often come up trumps that way!

2. Go to the 'gram
Instagram is another source of good inspiration, I love following girls who inspire me and seeing how they're wearing pieces I might already own etc. My faves always tend to be Lucy Williams, Brittany Bathgate and Isabella Thorsden.

3. Think about what you'd like to wear
Hell, write a goddamn list if it helps. Sometimes I envision outfits I'd like to be wearing and then try and make it with what I own. I always suggest buying staples (see my vid here on A/W staples) so that you can build outfits easily. My key piece right now is definitely a pair of vintage Levi's.

4. If in doubt, shop
Ok, I know we're not all made of money but sometimes you just need to get off of ASOS and head out into the real world for some inspiration. Even if you go window shopping and come home and find cheaper alternatives online, do it! I've been loving & Other Stories, COS and H&M Trend section when shopping lately.

Some current favourites:

lots of love xxx
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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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