Thursday 3 August 2017

white jeans, pink top

Outfits Outfits Outfits Outfits Outfits Outfits Outfits Outfits
H&M shoes, jeans (v.similar) and shirt, DIOR sunglasses*, A.P.C bag

Photos by Hannah

Hello again! I hope you're all doing well. I've recently started thinking that I should fill this space with something potentially more productive than just my musings (read: rambling) about the outfit I'm wearing but I think that's potentially best left to Cosmo and the like so I'll probably just continue as is...

Either way, this is what I wore to a press event with Smashbox last week or so, when it wasn't bloody awful weather. I felt vaguely mumsy in it, but I think that's something to do with the pale colour palette and fairly conservative blouse.

You can also see the vlog that included this day here.

Shop the look:

lots of love xxx
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  1. Such a gorgeous outfit! It suits you so well

    Ellie x

  2. Absolutely loving this colour palette 😍

    tie dye eyes blog

  3. ooo I quite like the blouse, I'm all about pink and white stripes at the moment and love the jeans paired with it! xx

  4. I'm loving this outfit Georgia, just gorge! x

  5. Love this clean outfit! the white pants with these shoes are just the best! ^_^
    Kinga xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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