Thursday 14 September 2017

some interior updates

Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors Interiors

So, as I mentioned a while back in my updates post - I was putting some energy into updating my bedroom. I mean, I say this but to be honest it was more "buy new plants and upgrade some things". Either way, I'm happy so I thought I'd share it with you!

First up was to tackle the bed. Something about it being mine again meant it needed to be new, and what better way to celebrate but a new mattress? Eve kindly gifted me their double mattress and honestly (not spon) IT IS GREAT. I've struggled with back problems for years, and obviously my sleep is compromised because of my M.E and it's just an absolute delight to sleep on. I really do notice the difference when I stay away from home, even just for a night.
If the mattress is a bit out of your price range, they also offer a topper as well as pillows, so get comfy.

Next up, was some more/new plants. I counted about six months ago and I had thirty six. I think we're nearer to fifty now. Either way, I nabbed both these and these from Next as I really fancied some tall planters. I tend to pick plants up in local florists and markets, but if you aren't lucky enough to have any near you - head to Ikea! They always have good house plants that are fairly low maintenance. I'd totally steer clear from bloody ferns though. Look at the state of mine!

I also swapped out my 6ft rail for two of these from Ikea (not pictured) as I liked the idea of them being slightly more stylish and also allowing me to put all of my bags/expensive shoes etc on them.

I've always fancied some art but never really found much I liked. Cue these Henn Kim illustrations popping into my sights. I haven't chosen where to put them yet, so I've just propped them up in various places.

Next I'd like to get a new desk chair, as well as some more bits and bobs to make the room feel as 'me' as possible. I'm due to move early in the New Year so I think that'll be the time to refresh!

Shop a few bits I'm lusting after here:

lots of love xxx
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  1. Love all the plants and the prints make the room look unique and personal!

  2. LOVING all the pops of green from the house plants! Looks so chic

    Ellie xx


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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