Sunday 14 January 2018

a re-introduction + resolutions

re-introduction re-introduction re-introduction re-introduction re-introduction

Never one to ignore a bandwagon, I thought I'd kick off 2018 with a post in keeping with Hannah and Chloe's recent musings. I know you guys probably know my tone and style fairly well by now, but I thought I'd get down to the nitty gritty and talk about my resolutions for 2018 too.

So, on the 1st February 1994, my Dad's 27th birthday, I popped along. Well, not popped - I had been baking for 9 months and two weeks, and then proceeded to be the only natural birth my Mum would ever have. Sorry Mum. I weighed 9lbs 11oz and spent the first few years of my life living in Purley, South London. 

I had a very normal childhood, two sisters followed and then my half brother when I was 12. My Mum and Dad divorced when I was about 7, so we split our weekends between Surrey and Brighton. I was always a complete Mummy's gal, and still am. She's my absolute best friend. I always got on with my Dad and he always treated me like I was way older than I actually was, letting me have friends over to stay in Brighton and make 'cocktails' (read: mixing random alcohols and juice with random pieces of fruit) when I was 14. My dad then spent 7 years in Syria and got back early 2017, so my Grandad was a substitute dad. He's great, 80 years old and rides a Harley Davidson and has a prawn on a motorbike tattooed on his arm saying 'Prawn to be Wild' under it.

I went through the usual Croydon chav stage at about 12/13, always being too scared to get a Just Do It bag for fear of being beaten up. Closely followed by an Indie phase of adoring The Kooks (14-15) and then settling in a metalhead period for an age (15 - forever). I had bright red hair, wore a Suicide Silence top most days and anything studded or leather was a resounding yes. That never really died, I just got 'normal' coloured hair. I kept my piercings and my love for tattoos just became a reality. I still fucking love death metal and will usually be sporting some band merch under any given jumper. I just had a bit of a 'fash-up' as I'd call it. Less greebo, more Gucci.

Anyway, I met my ex when I was 15, and then went to sixth form > college > uni, moving in with him in 2014.  I pretty much had my life mapped out from the age of 16 and it was all just bobbing along. I worked in Topshop between 2010 and 2015, finally leaving because I bloody hated retail. I then finished degree one and hopped straight onto degree two. My ex and I split in 2017 after eight years (almost to the day) which I explain a tiny bit more here, which sucked and didn't suck all at the same time. I met someone else, that ended catastrophically, and well, now I'm here.

I'm now very nearly 24, very single and living in SW London with a new flatmate and my cat, Bear. I'm miserable and lonely approximately 23 hours a day, and asleep for the other one. Ok, slight exaggeration but I'm still figuring out this 'making yourself happy' thing. The world is a pretty shitty place when you're used to battling it with someone else, so that's still something I'm learning.

Things that make me happy include: petting dogs, or even seeing a dog, buying things I've saved for, drinking wine, playing the Sims, being cuddled by a human (Bear doesn't count) and eating pizza. Things that made me sad include: feeling insufficient, being lonely, feeling a little bit chubby and when my M.E plays up/people dismiss it as a fake illness. OH and blunt texts. BE NICE.

I'm passionate about a few things, namely music and fashion. I care a lot about equality for women and will get unbelievably rude very quickly if you question that. I also got into politics during Brexit and now find it interesting and unbearable all at once. I swear a lot, like all swear words - even the really bad ones - and people tell me off which makes me do it more. Don't worry, I won't swear in front of your parents. I live for Family Guy, spend hours watching crime and prison documentaries and eat olives and gherkins in bed from the jar. I also laugh uncontrollably at poop jokes, and whenever I have to deliver shitty news.

In the long-term, I'd really like to love my career, own a home and lots of dogs. I also finally wanna meet my ride-or-die guy who will treat me how I treat them, CV's welcome.

It's really weird because I write these things down with no qualms, yet the thought of anyone I'm dating etc reading them makes me die. Anyway, I'm currently focusing on finding a job to pop alongside my blog, pouring my efforts into blogging/making content I love, seeing friends more and chasing up all those 'we should have coffee!!!1!1' dates I never made.
In terms of resolutions, I've kept them simple. With no pressure on if they don't work out. 
  • take more film photos - I love looking back at them and the imperfections of a single shot
  • write more down, use my bullet journal
  • stop being a complete mug and doing anything for anyone, as I just end up being a complete fool
  • remove heart from my sleeve and put it back in my chest
  • find a job
  • sort out my eating and sleeping habits

So, tell me something about you.

lots of love xxx
follow me here on Bloglovin' 
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  1. Oh I do detest a blunt text too. A little detail never hurt anyone! One of my resolutions / goals is to take more photos too, but alas all I've done is play around with my instax and I now have 32432 photos of my cat. x

  2. Horrible that you are going through such a tough time! I’ve been there trust me. All I can say is that sometimes you have to lose everything to realise what you actually need in life. I’m 32 and I think this has happened to me notably twice. Both times I have felt like the world kicked me out and left me on the scrap heap. Both times it was mainly to do with men which a lot of people brush off casually! Both times I have pulled myself up and and now I can actually say I’m happy with myself. A lot of the time you make subtle put downs of yourself! You are stunning and interesting and I’ve followed you for years. You have the ability to be the happiest person but it comes from backing yourself first.

  3. hey georgia, I'm based in south east london if you ever want to hang out! I'm generally a bit of a depressive but I try everything I can to be happy. Would be nice to make another friend who understands the day to day struggle xxx is probs the best way to reach me


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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