Tuesday 16 January 2018

a new home wishlist

So as you may have seen on my Instagram stories, I'm in the midst of moving house. While it's a stressful experience I'd rather not have to go through - my current tenancy was up and it was time to move on. I'm vlogging the whole fiasco here, so keep an eye out for that!

Nonetheless, I'm still excited about the prospect of decorating a new space so here are a few things I'm buying. I'll be sure to do a post on my new space when it's done!

Also, I'm really sorry about the lack of outfits posts of late. I feel terrible about it and I promise once life has settled down a little bit I'll be back on it. I'm also planning a massive blog refresh so it's all go here.

Shop the post:

lots of love xxx
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  1. omg i love the big pouf cushion from Urban Outfitters but it's so expensive even in the sale!

    Abigail Alice x

  2. That moon light is what dreams are made off, so so cool! x


  3. Ooooh love that moon light! so cute. Love your blog :* x hivenn

  4. Sometimes I will let things bother me for months and months on end before I get too fed up and do something about it. The only reason I will procrastinate and drag things out is because of other people. I remember being absolutely TERRIFIED to tell people we were cancelling the wedding. It shouldn't be like that. I should just be like 'Look. This is what makes me happy so tough shit' home shopping


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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