Friday 19 September 2014

back to school pt.1

jumper: asos*
skirt: asos
bag: primark

So I've 'teamed up' with ASOS to give you a little back to school outfit inspiration. I'm heading back to uni in a few weeks (sob) so this is one of five outfits I might pull together. 
I go to a fashion uni in central London, so anything is acceptable in terms of clothing. Surprisingly no one on my course is too dressy, but I always dress as I would for a day in central anyway!
I love this striped jumper, I'd layer a longline wool coat over and throw some tights on when it gets a bit chillier, however it was so so hot when I shot these, and as you can see from the tone in the photos - the sun was setting on me! 
What kinda thing do you wear to uni, are you a jeans and t-shirt gal?
lots of love xxx
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  1. I love this so much! The heart elbow patches on your jumper are so so cute! A lot of people on my course aren't too dressy, but I'm like you and I always love putting effort into my outfits!

    The Velvet Black // UK Style, Beauty & Lifestyle Blog

  2. Love this outfit. I'm not at uni, but I'm a jeans girl through and through when it comes to work! Its pretty much always jeans, a jumper and boots or converse! x

  3. So cute, I love it! x

  4. Such an effortless yet stylish outfit!

    Zandra // AZTEC DOLL Fashion & Beauty Blog

  5. LOVE this look, you're so tiny & tanned with such gorgeous hair! Can I ask, did you buy the bag recently? x

    Eleri Roberts

  6. I adore this, just so cool yet chic x

  7. can't wait to see the rest of these pieces! I like making an effort when I go to campus, because everyday is fashion week right?! xx

  8. Beautiful as always :) xx

  9. Seeing these back to school looks make me think, oh no.. it's that time of the year where stress levels get way too high for my liking </3
    BUT, I've got to say that that outfit is amazing. Really simple, but statement-y at the same time! Love it

  10. Lovelovelove your outfit! Especially the boots and the skirt!


Thank you for all your lovely comments, I read and appreciate them all! Feel free to tweet me (@georgiameramo) with any questions! xxx

© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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