Tuesday 3 April 2018

check trousers, straw bag

Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag Wicker Bag
MANGO trousers, & OTHER STORIES knit, ZARA bag (similar), GUCCI shoes, QUAY sunglasses & MANGO necklaces

Photos by Hannah
So the sun temporarily came out and the rain seemed to stop for a few hours so I took the opportunity to run out of the house without a coat and stick a pair of sunglasses on - hides the tired eyes you see.
Nonetheless, I thought I'd snap some photos of my outfit as I don't think I post enough on here anymore. I often think that blogs are dying a death which I find really sad, as I've always enjoyed blogging and rambling away about nothing much. I don't tend to buy magazines anymore, nor do I read that many blogs - I think we get enough from social media which is pretty sad. What do you reckon?
I'm also currently posting a video every week on my YouTube channel (which you can find here) and I'd absolutely love it if you could let me know of anything you'd like to see, and well... subscribing would be great too.
Shop the post:

lots of love xxx
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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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