Friday 6 April 2018

nice and cool

Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool Nice and Cool
SALT SURF t-shirt, URBAN OUTFITTERS jeans, WEEKDAY blazer, GUCCI loafers, MANGO necklace, ZARA bag & QUAY sunglasses

Photos by Hannah

I really like this outfit. I picked this t-shirt up in the Lucy Williams curated section at London Fashion Week Festival while I was working there. I had previously tried to buy it in LA but they didn't have this colour-way in my size, so when I saw it I pretty much ran over waving my card as it's not something I every thought I'd see here in the UK. I also like to think I'm nice and cool. Lol.
I've also started editing my photos in Lightroom and basically it's made my life at least 300 times easier, so expect a little more regular posting now. Wahoo!
Anyway, I hope you're all doing superb and have a fabulous weekend.
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lots of love xxx
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1 comment

  1. Oh I adore this outfit! I think it's the jacket blazer and jean combination that really caught my eye – you pull it off so well!


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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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