Monday 28 January 2019

the weekly #001

Back when I started blogging (we're talking 2010 or so here) most of us used to do a 'round up' post, whether it be of the week or even the month and I decided that I missed them so I am hoping to bring it back! I'm aiming for every Monday for just a little chat, but we shall see.

This week was pretty average in terms of work. I saw all three of my freelance photography clients,  did a few of my own bits and spend a lot of late nights editing. Kim came over a handful of times, and I went for dinner with Hannah, Millie and Lizzy on Wednesday which was very nice. We had ramen and I finished it for the first time in my life. I also got my nails done at London Grace with Josie which was cute.

My weekend was a little more lively as I had my birthday night out on Friday. I dragged 20 of my friends (who knew) to Lockside Lounge in Camden for a dance. It turned out to be pretty empty and we accidentally crashed a French rap night which was even weirder but it was still a good laugh. Saturday bought the laziest day I've had in forever, in which Kim and I laid in bed until about 12, only moving to make sausages and spaghetti hoops on toast and let Pepe out for a wee. We then shuffled to Kim's house and had a big bowl of pasta. Riveting.

Sunday was my fave as we went for a walk on Tooting Common with Kim's fam and Pepe of course, later going to Columbia Road for a wander in the rain and to refresh my very dried eucalyptus. We then finished the evening in Wong Kei, Chinatown with my Dad and sister. I over-ate, over-slept and over-enjoyed this day.

I've been thinking a lot about interiors this week - likely spurred on by Kim and I deciding to move in with each other at some point this year (won't be for a while!) so that's got me going wild on Pinterest, whilst also trying to source some Winter fashion inspo as I'm so done with big coats.

And that was my week, see ya next Monday.

lots of love xxx
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© Georgia Luisa Meramo

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